Montag, 30. April 2012


songs, games and stars

This one is for my dearest American friend (in fact I just know two...). During the work he loved to sing and well, I think he's doing great :) One day we were picking peach flowers and Yoko san ask him for a song...

 To be honest he was the one you inspired me to post some sketches. Up to now he don't know, but after a long discussion about history, languages and, of course, the universe, it just popped into my mind. And I never thought I could have this kind of conversation in English :D

sorry for the bad quality - back home I scan it properly :) and I hope you don't mind that your left arm is much longer than the right...

the pollination masters

On the Nakagomi Orchard in Minami-Alps City I met Noah from America and Chao from Singapore. Both of them had much fun with the manual pollination of cherry trees...As he was fluent in Japanese Noah became our teacher and earned the title Noah-sensei :) Moreover he travels Japan by foot and documents everything with his i-phone. If you are interested check his homepage for the videos

Episode 10 is about Nakagomi Orchard! :)

the pancake day

Actually, there is nothing special about this day to say. We just had a day off and dozens of pancakes :)

beer and chocolate

After being in Japan for almost two and a half months and meeting so many fantastic people, I came up with something new for my blog. I shared so many funny moments with people of different nationalities that I want to capture it in some sketches. Hope you like it :)

In Yamanashi I met two dutch girls from Amsterdam. Alise and Eva. Together with Lauriane from France we had lots of beers and chocolate in the evening at the Wwoofers house. It became kind of a ritual. When I woke up one morning I woke up from a dream I had about Alise offering me chocolate.

Sonntag, 15. April 2012

Sakura (Kirschblüte) in Yamanashi

Zwei Mädels unterwegs - natürlich Blüten fotografieren

Das Wahrzeichen Japans, der Mount Fuji, mit Kirschblüten

Auf einer Obstplantage in Yamanashi

Willkommensessen - Udon (Nudeln aus Weizenmehl) mit Gemüse. Sehr viel und sehr lecker!

Bei solch einer Hintergrundkulisse arbeitet man doch gern

Ein bisschen Schweiz in Japan :)
Eine Woche lang Rasenmähen, bei 4 Hektar Land kein Wunder...
Und während die einen schon arbeiten...

...gönnen andere sich ein kleines Mittagsschläfchen in der Sonne :)

Hier in Japan vertrauen die Obstbauern nicht auf die Bienen, sondern bestäuben die Bäume per Hand. Aus diesen Pflaumenblüten...

...wird mittels dieser kleinen Maschine der Pollen gewonnen.

Die Haus- und Hofkatze Sakura hilft dabei immer kräftig mit :)

"Arbeit" in Minami Izu

Kiki aus Hayao Miyazakis "Kikis kleiner Lieferservice" im Rohzustand...
...und fertig "in der Luft"
Die Kodama (Geister) aus Hayao Miyazakis "Prinzessin Mononoke" in Arbeit...
...und am Rumgeistern im Wald.
Tägliches Gassigehen mit den zwei Energiebündeln kann schnell in Arbeit ausarten :)
Hier soll ein Kräutergarten entstehen.